Bug Spray, My Variation

Here is the bug spray recipe I just made.  I have yet to test it, but based on other recipes I have seen, it should work.  I will test it this week and let you know.

I used an 8 ounce spray bottle

3.5 oz pure water

3.5 oz witch hazel with aloe

50 drops Lemongrass essential oil

50 drops Citronella essential oil

2 tsp olive oil

Shake well before use.  Nothing harmful for your family.  Smells like bugspray to me, like I said I will let you know how it works.


I taped the recipe to the bottle so I know what I did in case I need to adjust it.

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5 Responses to Bug Spray, My Variation

  1. Looks good. Quick question: is citronella essential oil as hazardous to kids if ingested as regular citronella candles?

    • First off, I am not a doctor, herbalist, or specialist in essential oils. Here is what I have learned after a quick jaunt around the interweb. Citronella fuel oil is what is in the “tiki torch” type citronella candles. The fuel oil part of that is a petroleum based product, like baby oil or any other petro chemical. These are very toxic. While care needs to be taken with essential oils, topical application should not be harmful. Obviously anyone can react to any chemical so care needs to be used, but the citronella fuel oil is definitely not the same as citronella essential oil. Hope that helps.

      • Glad to learn about citronella fuel oil. We don’t have any of those types of candles, but now I have a good reason not to get any. Thanks.

  2. Duncan says:

    That sounds pretty good. I think I may try to make some for my family outings. As always, excellent and informative post.

  3. I had to wear Deep Woods Off for years when I was running outdoor adventure camps in Canada. I haven’t worn it in 12 years and I never intend to again! Thanks for the recipe!

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